Franchisee Partner

Franchisee proposal

We have been around in the city of Pune since 2014 and our concept is to provide world class Ed-Tech & Coaching services. We also offer Online and Offline Coaching services, 24x7 and 365 days a year. We are known for our unparalleled high-quality services and loved for the attention we offer to our Students and aspirants. We are praised for our innovative technological approaches we use each day to communicate with our Students and aspirants. Every staff member at Alfa Classes is highly passionate about their work.


In addition to the above Alfa Classes has a Franchise Management System, which would be an effective medium to deliver top class support system to all its franchisees across the globe. A combination of highly experienced corporate sales and supports team, highly qualified educationists and trainers, students centric curriculum along with high end technology and best business practices, offers a huge competitive edge to Alfa Classes when compared to other service providers.

The Worldwide Franchise network of this brand is expected to create ripples throughout the entire Branded Coaching Classes in Industry. ALFA CLASSES is looking to set up 7500+ Coaching Classes over the next 10 years, with a main ideology of being the most advanced and affordable Branded Coaching Classes Franchise ever in the history of the industry. The company expects to add an average student base of around 25,000 each year starting 2014 across the globe. 

The target market for a brand like ALFA CLASSES would be a market covering all towns and cities across the country with a basic business mindset and a willingness to invest on quality education with care, more importantly a passion to work with youth. 

Franchisee Advantage

Quality Study Materials, Notes, eLearning Apps

Support for 1500+ Competitive Exams 
Professional Development Courses for Teachers & Trainers
A I based Learning Platform